CarpetcleaningserviceCwould like to offer professional carpetcleaningservice to bring your rugs back to its new look. Our trained professional team will thoroughly handle every piece of your rug. We set the highest green standards in rug cleaning. That is why we use only the best cleaning formulas that contain only natural biodegradable ingredients. Our rug cleaning process in under the severe control of our trained supervisors. Professional approach at every stage of rug cleaning allows us to provide absolutely superior organic cleaning services to our clients
Area Rug Cleaning NYC Services we provide
We service the following area rug types
Persian rugs
Moroccan rugs
Pakistani rugs
Turkish rugs
Moroccan rugs
Dhurrie rugs
Antique rugs
Silk rugs
Afghani rugs
Our Cleaning Process
Our Cleaning Process
Carpetcleaningservice provides same place service. We do not want to deprive you of your beloved rug for a long time. That is why we do the cleaning of your rug right away at your place.
Our first aim is your complete satisfaction.
Carpetcleaningservice provides 100% satisfaction guarantee for the rug cleaning. You can always request to redo the cleaning if your are not satisfied with the cleaning